Supervisory board

Giacomo Talleri

1963, Swiss, Chairman

1963, lawyer and notary in Lugano, Swiss. Mr Talleri studied law at the University of Zurich and has the title of LL.M from the Université Libre de Bruxelles. He has vast experience as a lawyer and notary in the field of commercial law. After being admitted to the bar in 1994, he founded his own law firm and has been a self-employed lawyer since then. In 1999 he qualified as a notary and founded his own notary’s office. He is a member of the Ticino and Swiss bar and notary associations.


Degree in Business Administration. Since October 2017 Charles Voegele Brand Business and Project Coordination in Sempione Fashion, CH. Since 2016 OVS Business Innovation and Change Management Director in OVS spa, Italy.From 2006 to 2016 he was Director in Alix Partner. He was in charge of Strategic and Organizational projects in Retail, Apparel/Fashion Industries, in particular about Business Planning Controlling, Turnaround and Restructuring. He started his professional career in 1998 at Bain & Company as Team Leader.