Investor Relations

Öffentliches Kaufangebot von Sempione Retail AG, Zürich, Schweiz, für alle sich im Publikum befindenden Inhaberaktien mit einem Nennwert von je CHF 3.00 von Charles Vögele Holding AG, Freienbach (Schwyz), Schweiz


Die auf dieser Website verfügbar gemachten Dokumente und Informationen stellen weder ein Angebot zum Kauf oder Verkauf noch eine Aufforderung zum Kauf oder Verkauf von Inhaberaktien von Charles Vögele Holding AG (Charles Vögele) oder von anderen Effekten dar. Aktionäre von Charles Vögele werden dringend gebeten, die Angebotsdokumente zum öffentlichen Kaufangebot (das Angebot) von Sempione Retail AG (die Anbieterin) zu lesen, welche die Anbieterin publiziert hat oder noch publizieren wird, und die auf verfügbar sind.




Das in den auf dieser Website verfügbar gemachten Dokumenten und Informationen beschriebene Angebot der Anbieterin wird weder direkt noch indirekt in einem Land oder einer Rechtsordnung gemacht oder gemacht werden, in welchem / welcher das Angebot widerrechtlich wäre, oder in welchem / welcher es in anderer Weise anwendbares Recht verletzen würde, oder in welchem / welcher die Anbieterin oder einer ihrer Aktionäre verpflichtet wäre, irgendeine Änderung oder Anpassung der Bestimmungen oder Bedingungen des Angebots, ein zusätzliches Gesuch bei staatlichen, regulatorischen oder anderen Behörden oder zusätzliche Handlungen in Bezug auf das Angebot vorzunehmen. Es ist nicht beabsichtigt, das Angebot auf ein solches Land oder eine solche Rechtsordnung zu erstrecken. Dokumente, die in Zusammenhang mit dem Angebot stehen, einschliesslich die auf dieser Website verfügbar gemachten Dokumente, dürfen weder in solchen Ländern oder Rechtsordnungen vertrieben, noch in solche Länder oder Rechtsordnungen versandt werden und dürfen von keiner natürlichen oder juristischen Person, welche in einem solchen Land oder Rechtsordnung wohnhaft oder inkorporiert ist, zum Zweck der Werbung für Käufe von Beteiligungsrechten an Charles Vögele in solchen Ländern oder Rechtsordnungen verwendet werden.


Notice to U.S. Holders

The Offer by the Offeror described in the documents and information available on this website is being made for the bearer shares of Charles Vögele, which are listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange ("SIX"), and is subject to Swiss disclosure and procedural requirements, which are different from those in the United States ("U.S."). The Offer is being made in the U.S. pursuant to Section 14(e) of, and Regulation 14E under, the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended ("U.S. Exchange Act"), subject to the exemptions provided by Rule 14d-1(d) under the U.S. Exchange Act, and otherwise in accordance with the requirements of Swiss law. Accordingly, the Offer is subject to disclosure and other procedural requirements, including with respect to withdrawal rights, settlement procedures and timing of payments that are different from those applicable under U.S. domestic tender offer procedures and laws. U.S. holders of publicly held shares of Charles Vögele are encouraged to consult with their own Swiss advisors regarding the Offer.


According to the laws of Switzerland, bearer shares of Charles Vögele tendered into the Offer may generally not be withdrawn after they are tendered except under certain circumstances, in particular in case a competing offer for the bearer shares of Charles Vögele is launched.


In accordance with the laws of Switzerland and subject to applicable regulatory requirements, the Offeror and its subsidiaries or their nominees or brokers (acting as agents for the Offeror) may from time to time after the date of the pre-announcement, and other than pursuant to the Offer, directly or indirectly purchase, or arrange to purchase, bearer shares of Charles Vögele. These purchases, or arrangements to purchase, may occur either in the open market at prevailing prices or in private transactions at negotiated prices and shall comply with applicable laws and regulations in Switzerland and applicable U.S. securities laws. Any such purchases will not be made at prices higher than the offer price set out in the documents relating to the Offer ("Offer Price") or on terms more favorable than those offered pursuant to the Offer unless the Offer Price is increased accordingly. Any information about such purchases or arrangements to purchase will be publicly disclosed in the U.S. on the website of the Swiss Takeover Board (<>) to the extent that such information is made public in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of Switzerland. In addition, the financial advisors to the Offeror and Charles Vögele may also engage in ordinary course trading activities in securities of Charles Vögele, which may include purchases or arrangements to purchase such securities.


It may be difficult for U.S. holders to enforce their rights and any claim arising out of U.S. securities laws, since each of the Offeror and Charles Vögele is located in a non-U.S. jurisdiction, and some or all of their officers and directors may be residents of a non-U.S. jurisdiction. U.S. holders may not be able to sue a non-U.S. company or its officers or directors in a U.S. or non-U.S. court for violations of the U.S. securities laws. Further, it may be difficult to compel a non-U.S. company and its affiliates to subject themselves to a U.S. court's judgment.


The receipt of cash pursuant to the Offer by a U.S. holder of bearer shares of Charles Vögele may be a taxable transaction for U.S. federal income tax purposes and under applicable U.S. state and local laws, as well as foreign and other tax laws. Each shareholder of Charles Vögele is urged to consult his or her independent professional advisor immediately regarding the tax consequences of an acceptance of the Offer.


Neither the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission nor any securities commission of any State of the U.S. has (a) approved or disapproved of the Offer; (b) passed upon the merits or fairness of the Offer; or (c) passed upon the adequacy or accuracy of the disclosure in any documents relating to the Offer, including without limitation the documents available on this website. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offence in the U.S.


United Kingdom

The documents and information available on this website are being distributed only to and directed only at persons in the United Kingdom (i) who have professional experience in matters relating to investments falling within article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 ("Order"), or (ii) who fall within article 49(2)(a) to (d) of the Order (high net worth companies, unincorporated associations, etc.), or (iii) who are persons to whom it may otherwise lawfully be communicated (all such persons together being referred to as "relevant persons"). The documents and information available on this website must not be acted on or relied on by persons who are not relevant persons. Any investment or investment activity to which the documents and information available on this website relate is available only to relevant persons and will be engaged in only with relevant persons. Persons distributing the documents and information available on this website must satisfy themselves that it is lawful to do so.


Australia, Canada and Japan

The Offer by the Offeror described in the documents and information available on this website is not addressed to shareholders of Charles Vögele whose place of residence, seat or habitual abode is in Australia, Canada or Japan, and such shareholders may not accept the Offer.



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— dass Sie die obigen Ausführungen gelesen und verstanden haben;

— dass Sie keiner der oben aufgeführten Angebotsrestriktionen unterliegen, insbesondere sich in keinem Land und keiner Rechtsordnung wie oben beschrieben befinden und in keinem solchen Land und keiner solchen Rechtsordnung ansässig sind;

— dass die Kommunikation bezüglich des Angebots und das Angebot rechtmässig an Sie gerichtet werden können;

— dass Sie keines der Dokumente, welche auf dieser Website verfügbar sind, kopieren oder einer anderen Person weiterleiten; und

— dass Sie verstehen, anerkennen und damit einverstanden sind, dass die Nichteinhaltung des Vorangehenden zu einer Verletzung des anwendbaren Rechts führen oder Charles Vögele, der Anbieterin oder anderen Personen Schaden zufügen könnte.